Livestream with Menace and The Hellfire

“New Jersey’s incendiary ignitors of fiery rock intensity,Menace and The Hellfire, throw a monkey wrench into the cogs of music mediocrity with their latest. “The Land Of The Rising Scum” brings it all crashing down with its explosive take on napalm imbued heavy music. With a consistent hard aural barrage and blasting battery of riffs and rhythms, this quartet detonate in ways that must be seen and heard to fully appreciate.” Menace and The Hellfire have and shall always remain outside. While we live in a culture that celebrates the ‘tortured artists’ who martyr themselves and don’t have what it takes to survive, we rarely pay tribute to those who actually make it to the other side and surpass the fleeting years of self destructive youth. The Hellfire is amongst that handful who still have the piss and vinegar to rip it up.”


we are live a little bit of a Hiatus there but we’re back happy Tuesday happy live stream just give a second for everyone to get in here usually what I tell people is at the beginning if you’re watching our replay skip ahead like two minutes or so and we’ll be into the actual interview let me just get things started on Instagram as

well let’s see that looks like it’s up and running so if you are Instagram drop a comment and I will read it there now there it is you see it yes yeah cool all right all right so let us begin here um one moment just get back in there all right Studio One Thrift uh just joined Martha is a thrift stop uh thrift stop a thrift shop in straussburg PA and she dresses bands uh and all that kind of cool stuff so make sure you follow her and we were we were uh we were up in Stroudsburg we played at the Sherman theater with uh Wednesday with Wednesday 13 a few really like a year maybe a year and a half ago oh very cool how that I have no idea I really don’t know how we got the gig we just kind of uh we just kind of like uh just I sent an email out about it and I guess at the time Wednesday 13 was doing uh just locals yeah for the uh for the um for his openers I guess you want to you know keep everything as much money in his pocket as he could but yeah we were picked as the opener and it was a great time we had really we had a really good time doing that that’s awesome to hear and it’s like when you’re a band don’t be afraid to pitch for opening spots like that you never know how that shakes out and that works so yeah I’ve tried I’ve tried to go we’ve tried to play there again but they want us to come back and they want us to be uh they want us to play the smaller stage first and I said we’ve already been there why are we going to play the smaller stage why why am I going to have to come down and play the smaller stage again I get it but you know whatever I like it though uh desecration band thank you for joining uh if you have questions for Spencer at all at any point feel free to drop them in the chat we will get to them all right let’s get this kicked off here hello and welcome to the bther live stream where we discuss music the locally High PA scene and Beyond band social media and more today is Tuesday August 6th holy cow already my name is mik and I’m the guitarist and vocalist of bell weather ritual hope you had a great week just a reminder to please like And subscribe if you like what you do here and also reminder to go out and support your local musicians because that’s really what counts and especially if you’re a local musician just a reminder to go check out you know your friends bans and all that stuff and that’s what really does make the difference the end so uh also we have a new EP that just came out please go check that out um and yeah tonight Our Guest is Spencer of medicine Hellfire how we doing guys yeah medicine Hellfire is a New Jersey based band which they self-describe which I love as kings of scum Rock their latest yeah uh their latest single is called Outlaw we’ll talk about all that and more Spencer welcome to the show thank you for having me yeah man how you you doing doing all right just got off work and uh here live streaming I like it I’m I’m a husband and I play guitar so I’m cooking dinner for my wife while I’m doing everything else you know awesome yeah well we’ll keep that in mind as we go through this um when you want to talk a little bit about that like how you balance that um because that is always something that’s like a challenge for people in bands well I mean for five years I well I played well I’m just going to go back a little bit but we’ll go um I played with um medicine the Hellfire before we were um me and Dennis the singer we started this uh back like 2011 and uh for I guess we’d say about two three years we played together and then I just stopped but I stopped playing all together so so I stopped playing probably five six years I’d say MH and uh I was just as bored and just as busy at the same time as being in a band and then and you know tried to shuffle everything else I was just shuffling other things that had t top priority over music I guess you could say but family first uh music you know that’s great that’s that’s what we want that’s we just we have to balance and it’s like I I can’t see myself not playing music I I’ve tried and I I just don’t think it’ll I don’t think I’d ever be happy doing it that way yep and it’s like is that something you you uh I don’t want to say warn like a partner about but is it something that’s like hey this is just what I do and who I am and a big part of that um I feel like I ask I mean I got I got back into it and I I had consulted with my wife about you know playing again and being you know being out and doing shows and like even you know saying like if it came down to like being on the road would it would it affect us and you know so far not really I mean we just we take it as it comes you know and that’s how we that’s how we ma that’s how we manage it that’s awesome he’s not she’s you know my wife is not into the music we do and it’s okay I I’m not I’m not upset about that but you I it’s some people it’s some people’s flavor it’s some people’s not but you know and like she she’s always supportive She’ll always come to the shows no matter what even if she’s not into it you know I’m just glad that she’s there and she supports us and she always does so awesome we lost we lost a band we lost our old drummer um a while back and he he said that you know he misses it but he said that he wouldn’t start playing again anymore and that was yeah I guess that’s the way some people have it sorry I’m G take my steak out of the oven hold on yeah do that there we go uh so you just kind of hit on something um oh hold on my fault the chat blew up over here and I’m not paying

attention uh plastic ninja gaming says cool uh Mario Moco says twin oh yeah okay a bunch of stuff in here um let’s see where else did I want to go with that oh yeah so you’d mentioned um hold on taking a break so I did a similar thing where I had five or six years of not um just I just put down the guitar completely and just did other things you know worked at like normal job whatever um and then was there something that was like the thing that kind of pulled you back into it and got you started again honestly it was 2020 and I had nothing to do that’s what I was for because same here I really I had nothing to do and uh we we got back together and I hadn’t heard from you know this my singer Dennis in a while and we just started talking and he hit me up because he saw he saw a picture of me with somebody that he knew so you know we just started jamming again and it’s been since 2020 again and then um now it’s it’s just me and uh it started with a whole other lineup and now the I guess the core of it would be me and Dennis from the original and now we just you know we’re we’re currently now looking for a drummer as well um that was why we had to cancel our and everything cuz we we thought we were going to have somebody come and fill in but it just it was to last minute and uh so now basically what we’re going to do is we’ve decided we’re just going to hold off on the shows for a while and then you know see what we do we got to find somebody who’s solid and it was a lot of problems like the the D like the situation with members and and keeping people like interested and keeping them excited it’s it’s getting harder because venues are shutting down you know less people come out and it’s just like it’s it’s not a lot of motivation but I mean I don’t we don’t do this I don’t do this myself I don’t do this for people I do it for me so I mean I don’t know how everybody else feels but I mean I if I stopped playing music it would definitely wouldn’t be because of the lack of people showing up I’m used to that so same here and yeah I feel like it does take a while to find those other people though that are like that but eventually you do and uh um yeah like I said before at top of the show we’ve been really trying to go out to shows and and do that a lot more that is where a lot of connections are made and um yeah all that good stuff so just being just being out in in like the show scene like it helps even if you’re not playing but like people are just like oh I’m broke I don’t have any I don’t want to go to a show I don’t have money and this and that it’s like yeah but you know if you don’t spend money you won’t make money and then shows are gone so it’s it sucks it’s unfortunate yeah um so let’s I want to get into that too a little bit um but let’s start from the top um are you from the area originally or did you move in from somewhere else no no I’m from uh I’m from New Jersey majority of my life I mean I lived in New York when I was younger but nothing like uh nothing for too long so okay and then do you remember like was it a song or something on the radio or someone in your family what was the first thing that the thing that kind of really got you into music or may just start paying attention to music uh my dad my dad’s a my dad’s a musician and uh he’s a he’s an opera singer oh wow yeah he’s actually he’s a really good opera singer too he’s uh his name is Chris Dolan and he is he’s been a you know tremendous influence in my life as far as guitar because he played guitar he could play you know he could sing he could do everything and it was him he got sober um in 1991 and his my grandfather was an opera singer too so my grandfather kind of helped him discover that part of his musical talent and he never he didn’t know he could sing and uh my my grandfather helped him out and so lo and behold he’s become you know he was an opera singer he got a he was on um America’s uh Good Morning America they did a figment about him yeah he sang it uh he sang at City Field a bunch of times he was really he sang the national anthem for the Mets and all that stuff it was really cool and my dad you know he helped me and he showed me guitar he showed me guys like uh [  ] like Al demola Pat methen yeah um guys that I’ll never be as good as you know what I mean like yes I know you mean guys guys that I’ll just I’ll just like sit there and be perplexed at what they’re doing for hours and I’ll like try to pick it up and it like as soon as I hit it I hit a sour note or my finger hits the other string it’s you know but it was that was his influence and then you know just natural progression I found other stuff and you know went off that went off that went off that and yeah so I I just basically my dad I could say yeah that’s awesome uh so you’re like lineage here you’re you’re the third in line here yeah my brother my my brother was a uh my brother played drums with me for a very long time but he’s uh he’s not into it as much as he used to be yeah so I hear that um do you remember like how old around when you started really taking like a guitar seriously or or or seriously I started playing guitar 16 and I didn’t start playing in bands like really really really like start playing in bands until I was in my 20s so for a while I just kind of [  ] around with my friends and you know didn’t really do much like other than that I just want to shout a couple people out here uh JT project uh 220 they’ve been in here a couple times now stillcraft ban thank you for joining Brian Wagner thank you for joining he’s a photographer in the scene Joe Optimus thank you for joining and stillcraft uh said uh if we did it for people we’d never get to play that’s Ronnie um yeah agreed Ronnie um yeah and you gotta reach out and find those people and that’s part of what this live stream is all about too so um yeah it’s been awesome to connect on that so far um and there are times especially now right you’re talking about like venues are starting to maybe not be as punful as before and things get tight but the people are still out there and can still make it work yeah um like we we go to one spot we play a lot at in uh Clifton it’s uh dingbats we give a shout out shout out to Freddy at dingo Don over at ding dingbats the whole crew over there um yeah they they they’re one of the only venues left like a small midsize venue in North Jersey that actually will take care of bands will help bands out they’ll you know they’ll put you on shows and they won’t make you it won’t make you pay hundreds of dollars just to open at a 630 slot you know what I mean so like places like that are still what’s good and then I see a lot of kids like doing DIY stuff but then the DIY stuff gets like lost and you got kids who want to do it and they want to like you know they want to run everything but then it’s like ah well you’re running it but you’re might be running it into the ground and it’s because you had an idea for what you wanted but it also kind of just like you need an adult there I guess you could say I feel if I walk into a venue and I see a bunch of like mid AG kids like 20 something year old kids running the place I’m like n this is probably gonna be a bad gig I could tell but I mean it’s just I’m I hate sounding old but I’m 38 and I’ve seen it quite a few times and I’m like yeah it’s it’s the way it is but no dingbats professional the last great like the last R like great rock and roll small rock and roll Club in North Jersey because a lot of the other places they they give you a raw deal and you just never you never want to go back it’s it’s it’s it hurts you as you know being in a band and getting up there and paying all this money and then be like ah yeah five six people liked us and they forgot about us it’s like it’s a full-time job so y um let’s see oh you said mentioned before you brought this up that I thought was really interesting you said like a lot of when you meet other people who are interest this you is like how do you keep everyone’s interest there and um moving forward like on a like a goal or something that you want to achieve is there yeah can you just talk a little bit about that it sounds like um well see we we’ve like our um we have a new uh we have some new merchandise out and stuff and it’s you know it’s really cool looking stuff but we had a guy we had a a guy in our our band and he was a we we try to be on the same I’m trying to keeping everybody inspired and interested it’s like you know what like we we have been playing like uh a lot of like with different sounds though and the guy who was in our band The Last drummer he was you know was not as like he didn’t want to be like as broad with the sound he liked what we were doing I say I like what we’re doing too but you know it’s I’m getting less and less inspired to write this stuff so maybe try something more and I guess that was one of many many of the deciding factors of him not wanting to be you know with us anymore but it’s all right I just not the right guy to be motivated I guess and he was stuck in his ways and that’s like kind of like a lot of guys I meet though who play music they just like what they like like we tried out a guy a couple days ago and he was like he’s into the hardcore stuff he played drums for um sworn enemy and uh he was really good and I was like can you dumb it down and he goes what do you mean I’m like can you play like can can you play like Phil Rudd can you play like yeah can you play like can you play like uh Dave gr on the uh Queens of the Stone Age on the first Queens of the Stone Age right like like can you just can you just give me a 44 yeah and he didn’t like that and I was like well it’s you know this is kind of like you know every guy who says they can do our stuff and then they you know they fall short and I’m like they just think too much about it and when I tell them just rock and roll that’s what you know I love that because that’s something I always Tri when we uh are you know if someone knew like we just swapped out our guitar player um had kids and understandably had to that came first so we had guitars and that was part of the process was like look here’s kind of what we’re looking for not saying that we won’t change obviously someone new blood comes in It’s Gonna Change stuff but yeah yeah kind of put that out there up front uh let me just shout out skywards we fly thank you for joining Viking drums thank you for joining Martha of studio1 Griff says that she loves ding bats um was cool that was always kind of like a goal for us to get up there so cool hey if you want if you guys ever want to come out let me know I could set something up yeah that’d be great I mean we’re we’re trying to work the new guitar player you know get get everyone up to speed again so we’re a little in that thing right now but we love to anytime anytime you guys are interested let me know and I’ll I’ll I’ll get the word out and we’ll set up a show there awesome man thank you yeah and Todd D not thank you for joining all right we’ll just do a couple quick more and then um we’ll go on from there I think the um the the live mixing videos that I was watching uh that’s from dingbats too right that’s the same yeah the the live well that’s our um our friend he works he’s the S he’s one of the sound Texs there I think I follow him because uh I remember seeing him do I think it was him doing similar stuff with like you know just just how to do the the live sound thing that’s yes let me let me let me shout him out his name is Chris Hamill yeah his name is Chris his name is Chris Hamill he uh he has his own YouTube page and uh his Instagram is called Chris Hamill audio and uh he can uh like anything for like recording or you know like live mixing like stuff he he was actually he was just doing this thing where he was he did a live mix for a uh Church in Brooklyn and uh I guess the the video got like a ton of views and he was uh asked to go all over the country and do like live worship mixes wow that’s cool yeah it was cool and I was like wow you became you know you got yourself another stream of uh income there it’s pretty cool about man right setting us

up the one thing I wanted to say is and that reminded me of it too is like a lot of people you’re talking about before like people have this very set thing in their mind of what they’re trying to accomplish where if they would just kind of let go of that a little bit it might not be exactly what you envisioned but it’d be pretty darn close and you’d be insanely happy anyway and I just thought about that if you listen if you listen to some of the early recordings there’s a lot if you go like online I’m sure you can find it there’s some obscure recordings of old song old medicine the Hellfire songs like we the stuff that’s on the Spotify and all the Apple iTunes is stuff that me and Denis did years ago but it’s re-recorded versions of the old songs like if you if you go if you go and you listen to the old songs you could tell that the old songs had different members because the influence wasn’t there that if you listen to like the original version of Outlaw it’s definitely not as heavy as that version that we just put out yeah and and like a swag too yeah it’s the Swagger and then like even like a lot of people like the one song uh good for nothing and it’s it’s like a heavy song for us we don’t us do like chugga chugga type stuff but it’s that’s like what you know you could tell like with some of my influences and then like our drummer was into like uh weed eater sleep like you know a lot of Doom and stuff and then I was I’m into like my favorite band of all time is leg Zeppelin so I love give me the guitar i’ do whatever you know yeah yeah there’s some uh great so that’s you on the 2022 stuff too uh yes all that was all the all the stuff from 2020 all the is is me cool there’s some great solos on that too that kind of jumped out to me thank you on lessons yeah and the tone I thought was great as well um th those tones were those tones were the first ep the Land of the Rising scum was uh that was an evh 5153 that was my favorite and then I just recorded the um recorded Outlaw I used a Mesa the triple rectifier for that one yeah I love but it’s a fire breather it’s a fire breather but I’m actually I’m actually gonna I’m changing my ant for the next recordings we’re doing I’m going with something totally different I’m going with a marshall 59 super lead this time so I’m going to do something a little more classic rock sounding with my tones not as much uh not as much chunk this time around yes we’ve been trying to like well me at least trying to back off the the old Distortion a little bit and like isn’t it hard isn’t it it’s hard

I get a sound I get a guitar sound that I’m like oh out of a mix it’s fantastic yeah and then I’m like [  ] I put it in the mix and I’m like damn it I don’t sound heavy enough and I’m like I gotta find I gotta find a a happy medium you know what I mean I just can’t find like the happy medium because I love I love Jimmy Page’s guitar tone and my favorite Jimmy Page guitar tone is from when uh The Song Remains the Same the live album and there’s no distortion on that record none and Jimmy Paige just turned Marshall’s up real loud that was it yeah and that’s what I want to do I don’t want I don’t want to have like I have a pedal board and it’s annoying and I would like to get rid of majority of my pedals but now that I’ve been using it for like four or five years everything is like I like they’re like oh it’s a lot of pedals on your board I’m like yeah I use every one of them now because I because I’ve had them there and I was like oh I guess if I try this I stomp on that and see what it does yeah if a place in a song good news is is I haven’t added anymore so I like that I like that I haven’t had to put any more on my board now that I’m good do do you have like a big pedal board so I used to and then I got into the modeler things so now I have just one and then right now we run everything through headphones and an electronic drum set and then like we’ll just just jam and write like that and then okay take the skeletons into like a legit rehearsal studio and like pound them out make sure they’re cool live too so gotcha yeah so yeah the modeler how do you what what modeler do you use what modeler do you like the line six um this one’s the HX stomp Helix Helix okay so I was always um like a tube amp you know whatever guy I played like a Mesa Lone Star before and love the M alone Stu yeah it was really cool that was cool too because it wasn’t like super distorted but you can get some really nice tones out of it yes but it literally weighed like 70 or 80 pounds it’s hard it’s hard picking them things up after a while like my my Mesa my Mesa weighs the most out of any amp I’ve ever seen like legitimately yeah I feel like I’m I feel like I’m gonna have a herniated disc every time I try to pick it up off the cab yeah so it’s like okay imagine traveling with this like all right it’s really nice I don’t want to beat it up it’s it’s probably not going to be like a gigging touring all the time amp it’s probably gonna be more like a studio amp so that’s a hard that’s another thing I I was like I want to get a I want to get that 1959 super lead the hand wire uh but I’m like I don’t know if I want to bring that out anywhere watch I watched my Mesa I legitimately watched my Mesa at one show fall right off the top of a right off the top of a 412 and I was I was you can see it in my face and the tube rolled across the floor in the middle of the venue and I’m like God it was it was and I was like if I have to pay to get this fixed I just it was like two months after I got it too I was like if I have to pay to get this fixed and it’s going to cost me just as much as the amp does I’m I’m selling it I’m done really I get it why I get it why people like the you know Less on stage and room but I something about a live cab I can’t I can’t get rid of so started that way I was like [  ] it get rid of everything and then all of a sudden like had feedback issues and this and that and I was like oh [  ] we you kind of need both and if one or the other fail you still have one of the others a backup so yeah that’s kind of how we end up there but we’re we’re talking about redoing that too so who know uh let’s see um you just wna like maybe as like a last question well I know you talked a little bit about in the leadup but you you had like two different sections that you were part of the band can you maybe just give a little bit of backstory for everyone um on how it started and and where it’s at and um what’s coming up for you and then we can just wrap it up from there gotcha um yeah so when when Dennis Menace well it’s Menace In the Hellfire so Dennis the Menace and uh uh Dennis started this back before I was even in the picture he was in a band a long time ago called the shx and um they were like a punk like Punk Street thing like um like a kind of like rancid ass kind of like a casualties a little bit more along more along those lines of like the sound and I met up with uh Dennis through Craigslist in 2011 and we played and then we you know I stopped playing I went through a few issues of my own and um I went through a few issues in in my past with some substances and I wasn’t I I probably wouldn’t have wanted me in my band anyway I mean that was just a disaster but um yeah when I got married I got you know I was sober and I got married and uh awesome then I decided you know come back to it when we had the the pandemic because I’m a I’m a hairdresser by trade and uh we didn’t have me and my wife both do hair for work so we didn’t have any work and uh I had nothing nothing but time so I started playing the guitar again and that’s essentially how we picked up and then you know been through it all like been through whatever I guess you could say is like the standards of like building it back up again over the past four years we played some really great shows we played some not so great shows but was just part of it I I mean and then we got uh we were supposed to have this tour uh coming up this weekend actually but it’s unfortunately it’s it’s had to have been um had to have been canceled because we just uh we lost our most current drummer after our last show he just his heart wasn’t into it he said that’s fine we don’t want anybody playing without heart and so now we’re we’re we’re auditioning new guys right now we got somebody on the line that we’re really looking forward to working with he’s kind of like the guy that we’ve picked so far and he’s been really well you know he’s been really like a standup guy he’s learned all the music he’s come prepared I’m like yeah this is perfect so we’re g we’re gonna hold out with him for a while now and then I think our next show will be September uh September 21st we’re going to be playing in Brooklyn at um Indian Larry’s uh motorcycle shop is Indian Larry has a um a block party Festival every year in Brooklyn that sounds cool it’s awesome it’s like it’s a chopper Fest it’s like you know custom chopper Fest bikes uh Angels pagans like you know the works it’s it’s a great time and we we played it last we we actually played it last year and we uh we we had a Hu we had a great response and they asked for us to come back this time and that was like we were just we were automatically has to come back and it was a New York crowd and uh I’m a full-blooded conservative and I didn’t think that the full-blooded conservative crowd would show up but they did and awesome it was great you know we had a good time and everybody everybody was having fun man and that that’s the best gig is is the one that I the one that I feel the most comfortable at yeah that’s that’s my that’s my people people those are you know yeah awesome all right well I think that’s uh like a good place to wrap everything up um want to sayk thank you to um all the people who jumped in um on the Instagram side Max lib Art thank you for Jo jumping in and um Vicki art uh kusami Art thank you for joining um yeah so I’m sorry I forgot to ask you where your gigs were coming up but you had already we had already talked about the tour we were we were supposed to be playing uh we had Philly we had Virginia we had Maryland yeah we had uh geez we had a lot of spots man it just it sucks that it it went down the way it did and it was weird because even at the guy who want was going to play drums for us for this run he was like oh I don’t want to be in your band but you think I can go out on the road with you I was like we don’t want to be on the road with you you’re not you’re not us you’re not like I feel like it was it was a strange way to like keep them in there somehow and I I just I was like no it’s awkward now and it’s a big thing with the cancel it was it was a big thing with the cancel culture stuff and oh okay it was it was a little more personal for him than than what he had led on us to believe and he was my singer I don’t know if you’ve ever seen some of our live stuff and my singer he’s got a thing about him where where he’ll just get in front of the microphone and he’ll say whatever’s on his mind and that’s okay and I defend him on that because I’m a free speech Advocate it’s fine I do not have to agree with everything that he says but I will back him up I will defend him he’s my brother and I love him yeah so we got up on stage it’s a short story I’m sorry I didn’t want to jump back into it but um we had a show with our drummer the first uh the more recent drummer that we had he uh he came in he played a show with us and he led us to believe that he had a great time he had an excellent show his family came it was awesome did the whole thing a week later goes down the line he goes hey I just want to talk to you guys about something I said what what’s up and he goes he goes well you know they said something you guys said something on stage and Dennis said something I was like well what did he say and he goes well he said something about being uh there’re only being two genders I said yeah okay so like what what like I don’t know that’s his opinion I mean I don’t know if you consider an opinion or fact at this point but I’m just going to say like that was his opinion right and may not be yours he’s like well my family got offended and I was like well your family’s not in our band like this is us this is what we do and if they don’t want to come to our shows don’t come to our shows I’m sorry I I’m not here to please everybody it’s a it’s a rock and roll band we’re a little abrasive we say some [  ] up stuff sometimes like things happen you’ll please no one if you try to please everyone right yeah absolutely 100% on that one I never heard that that’s great yeah don’t even bother it’s just a waste of time really F no no yeah but I love the attitude too of like uh because it’s a l startart of like agreeing to disagree and you can still be a part of something that’s bigger than both of you always dis I will always agree to disagree and that’s that’s a great way like that’s it’s a way to survive at this point because I I don’t know I don’t know many people I don’t know many people who are like real radical or real extreme or real this or real that but like most people have a moderate opinion on most things yeah I would agree with that yeah but now it’s like you got to skate the line and make no make sure you don’t offend too it’s like no man my my existence has been my existence for 38 years and I’m going to live how I’ve lived for 38 years and I can change and I have changed I’ve proven that but fact of the matter is is I still believe in what I believe in and you believe in what you believe in and we’re never there’s that’s like uh that’s like trying to turn somebody’s vegan into a vegetarian it’s still a hard thing to do but they’re just setting their ways so I feel like compromise being agree to disagree would be the best option but now we can’t even do that seems like you know yeah yeah so we’ll learn it again it just takes some time I think we do we need to learn it again all right well that was Spencer of Menace In the Hellfire thank you so much for joining uh thank you for thank you for having me on I really appreciate hey we appreciate jumping on here and I wantan to everyone on Instagram as well thank you for joining uh we will be signing off there soon and um sign off the main stream right now so uh yeah just want to say thank you all for jumping in here there’s a whole bunch of stuff we can maybe we could jump on another time and try another stream um but uh yeah

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