Guitar Set Up Mike’s Balaguer Hyperion
Watch Steve set up Mike’s Balaguer Hyperion in silverburst. He pulls apart the control cavity, dresses the fret ends, takes a look at what pickups are in it and makes sure Mike doesn’t get hurt 🙂
Steve: Hey guys, this is Steve from Bellwether. We have Mike’s Balaguer Hyperion here in silverburst. So, gonna do a quick set up on it.
We got a locking bridge and tail piece which I like. Let’s open it up and see what the, uh, electronics look like. Everything looks nice in here. Three-way switch, switchcraft jack, alpha push pools. Interesting little section routed deeper right there. I’m not really sure what that’s about, doesn’t seem to be any reason for that to be like that but whatever. Everything looks good, spray some contact cleaner in there make sure this working the way it should.
All right so one thing I did notice is the frets. They look really good but the edges could use a bit of a round over. They’re not poking out or anything, just take that little bottom corner off, so I’m gonna take my little fret crowning file, just knock off that little edge off. I don’t want Mike to hurt his fingers, you know? Let’s not be martyrs in the name of heavy metal, my friends.
I’m curious what pickups they put in these things, let’s take a look. Fastback custom pickups, made in Seattle Washington since 2010. Never heard of them but we’ll see how they sound.